Become a Lace AI Pro Certified practice
Give your patients the gift of better comprehension, no matter the environment. Our new certification program can help your patients see more success with their hearing aids (and lift your revenue at the same time).
Used by hundreds of clinics around the world
Start delivering complete care today
Quick virtual onboarding gets your team ready fast. Access marketing tools, clinical resources, and ongoing support whenever you need it.
Simple practice billing, better business growth
Bill through your practice, set your own pricing, and bundle complete care easily. Our partners see significant revenue growth and higher patient satisfaction.
Transform patient success
Give patients what devices alone can't. See dramatically fewer returns, more confident patients, and stronger word-of-mouth referrals.
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We evaluate success through both objective measurements and subjective improvements:
- Quantitative Metrics: QuickSIN score improvements are particularly notable. Our data shows that patients with greater difficulty hearing in noise typically experience the most significant improvements, regardless of their audiogram results.
Qualitative Outcomes: Beyond measurable improvements, Lace AI Pro empowers patients by allowing them to take control of their hearing journey. This boost in confidence is a crucial aspect of the treatment's success.
We strongly recommend bundling Lace AI Pro with hearing aids. Multiple third-party clinical trials conducted by industry leaders like Starkey and Sycle, involving thousands of patients, have shown remarkable results:
- 80-90% reduction in hearing aid return rates
- Significant improvement in patient confidence profiles
- Increased consistent use of hearing aids
- Enhanced patient engagement with their auditory environment
Lace AI Pro is an AI-powered auditory training program designed to improve speech reading and treat tinnitus. The foundations of the platform have been the gold standard for 20+ years, backed by 86 peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials. In 2024, we rebuilt the platform to be more engaging, inviting, and entertaining — plus added AI to bring the experience up to modern-day best practices.
Lace AI Pro uses advanced AI algorithms to provide personalized training exercises that target specific auditory skills. It adapts to the user’s performance and provides real-time feedback for optimal learning.
Absolutely. Lace AI Pro has been proven effective in improving patient auditory comprehension skills. That means better patient outcomes, fewer returned hearing aids, and the kind of care experience your patients want to tell their friends about.
While Lace auditory training can be used for children, it is primarily designed for adults and is not specifically tailored to younger children; however, we are currently exploring how to support younger users in 2025.
You can start offering Lace AI Pro to patients as soon as you go through our certification program. Get in touch today, and we’ll walk you through the demo and how the program works.