October 7, 2024

Understanding Lace AI Pro: Top FAQs From Audiologists

Comprehensive answers to audiologists' top questions about Lace AI Pro, including its benefits for auditory processing difficulties, usage with hearing aids, and patient success metrics.

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Published on

October 7, 2024

As audiology practices strive to enhance patient care, understanding the capabilities of Lace AI Pro becomes essential. This blog post dives into the most frequently asked questions about Lace AI Pro, clarifying how it can serve both your practice and your patients effectively.

Is Lace AI Pro recommended for patients with auditory processing difficulties? Is there normative data available?

Absolutely! Lace AI Pro is an excellent fit for patients with auditory processing challenges. In fact, alongside counseling, it's one of the few treatments available for:

- Hidden hearing loss

- Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

- Central Processing Disorder (CPD)

Many patients with these conditions may show normal audiograms but struggle significantly with processing speech in noisy environments. While this can be measured using tools like QuickSIN or HINT, it's often evident from patient testimonials.

Our extensive dataset, comprising thousands of patients worldwide, demonstrates significant improvements in QuickSIN and HINT scores within the first month of using Lace AI Pro. These improvements have been shown to persist for six months or longer.

How do you measure patient success with Lace AI Pro?

We evaluate success through both objective measurements and subjective improvements:

  1. Quantitative Metrics: QuickSIN score improvements are particularly notable. Our data shows that patients with greater difficulty hearing in noise typically experience the most significant improvements, regardless of their audiogram results.
  2. Qualitative Outcomes: Beyond measurable improvements, Lace AI Pro empowers patients by allowing them to take control of their hearing journey. This boost in confidence is a crucial aspect of the treatment's success.

How should patients use Lace AI Pro with hearing aids?

We strongly recommend bundling Lace AI Pro with hearing aids. Multiple third-party clinical trials conducted by industry leaders like Starkey and Sycle, involving thousands of patients, have shown remarkable results:

  • 80-90% reduction in hearing aid return rates
  • Significant improvement in patient confidence profiles
  • Increased consistent use of hearing aids
  • Enhanced patient engagement with their auditory environment

Are there other programs you recommend using alongside Lace?

While Lace AI Pro is a comprehensive solution, we always emphasize the value of counseling when available. The combination of Lace AI Pro and professional counseling can provide patients with a well-rounded approach to addressing their auditory processing challenges.

The Lace AI Pro Advantage

What sets Lace AI Pro apart is its ability to offer:

  1. Measurable improvements in hearing capabilities
  2. Enhanced patient confidence and engagement
  3. Reduced hearing aid returns
  4. A data-driven approach to auditory rehabilitation

For audiologists, this means:

  • More satisfied patients
  • Better treatment outcomes
  • Increased practice efficiency
  • Enhanced patient retention

Looking Forward

We're continuously expanding our resources and knowledge base. Explore our site for more detailed information, clinical studies, and success stories. We're committed to supporting audiologists in providing the best possible care for their patients.

For more information about Lace AI Pro and how it can benefit your practice, connect with your account manager or reach out today through our contact page.

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