July 30, 2024

10 Tips on Communication for the Hard of Hearing

When you have hearing loss, day-to-day communication can be difficult, and group activities can be downright exhausting. Here are some tips from hearing health specialists at Neurotone AI on making conversations easier.‍

Written by


Scientifically reviewed by

Dr. Robert Sweetow

Published on

July 30, 2024

Effective communication is crucial, especially for those with hearing challenges. Here are 10 strategies to help improve conversations and ensure you stay connected with those around you:

1. Maintain Close Proximity
Position yourself within 3 to 5 feet of the person you're talking to. Sound diminishes as it travels, so being closer ensures you catch more of what’s being said.

2. Avoid Cross-Room Conversations
It’s tempting to talk from another room, but it often leads to misunderstandings. Instead, engage in conversations when you’re in the same space.

3. Face the Speaker
Make sure you have a full view of the speaker’s face, not just their profile. This helps you pick up on visual cues, such as lip movements, which can significantly aid understanding.

4. Focus on Main Ideas
Instead of trying to catch every single word, concentrate on the main idea. Context and redundancy in speech often help fill in the gaps if you miss a word or two.

5. Be Honest About Understanding
Don’t bluff by nodding if you haven’t understood something. It’s better to ask for clarification than to continue a conversation on the wrong premise.

6. Optimize Lighting
Ensure the speaker’s face is well-lit by positioning yourself with the light source behind you. Good lighting helps you see facial expressions and lip movements more clearly.

7. Reduce Background Noise
Turn off competing sounds like the TV, radio, or any noisy appliances when having a conversation. Seek out quiet spaces for more effective communication.

8. Utilize Note-Taking in Meetings
If you’re in a setting where understanding is critical, like a meeting, have someone take notes for you. This allows you to focus on listening without worrying about missing important details.

9. Strategize Social Gatherings
Arrive early at social events before they get too crowded and noisy. Position yourself in quieter areas where you can converse more easily.

10. Prepare for Media
When attending a movie or play, read reviews or summaries beforehand to familiarize yourself with the plot. This pre-knowledge can enhance your understanding during the performance.

Enhance Your Skills with Auditory Training
Beyond these tips, auditory training programs like Lace AI can be an invaluable resource. Designed by experts and backed by over 80 peer-reviewed studies, Lace AI helps you improve listening and communication skills from the comfort of your home. Whether you have hearing aids or not, the adaptive exercises offered by Lace AI can help you better process sounds and stay connected with the world around you.

Ask your audiologist about Lace AI and how it can support your journey to better hearing and communication or learn more here.

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